Objective: To determine the origin of Rana temporaria for quality Oviduetus Ranae in the light of historical documents and modern researches on the classification of Rana temporaria chensinensis. 目的:根据历史文献及现代在中国林蛙分类方面研究成果,确定哈蟆油的正品动物基原。
Objective To study the ovary apoptosis factors change in androgen injection model of newborn rats and the protective mechanism of ovumoil of Rana temporaria chensinensis David. 目的研究初生大鼠注射雄激素后,在成年期给予林蛙卵油灌胃,对于卵巢凋亡的影响,分析林蛙卵油的卵巢保护作用机制。
Those results provided essential historical evidence for the cultivation and gender inducing in Rana temporaria chensinensis. 这些结果为中国林蛙养殖和性别诱导提供了必要的组织学证据。
Study on the Preparation and Agents of Antimicrobial Peptide from Dried Skin of Rana Temporaria 林蛙抗菌肽的制备与制剂研究
CDNA Cloning of the Antibacterial Peptide of the Rana Temporaria Chensinensis David Skin 中国林蛙皮肤抗菌肽基因的cDNA克隆
Effects of the Transepithelial Voltage on the Apical Chloride Channels of Frog ( Rana Temporaria) Rectal Epithelium 跨上皮电位差对蛙直肠上皮顶膜氯通道的作用
Functional mechanism of Rana temporaria chensinensis David egg oil in convulsant mice induced by strychnine nitrate 中国林蛙卵油抗士的宁惊厥的机制
The results indicated that the characteristics of toxicosis of Kuai Su Bi in the Rana temporaria chensinensis David were serious putrescence in various internal organs. 中国林蛙“快速毙”中毒的特点是全身各脏器组织严重坏死。
Analysis of Nutritional Components of Eggs of Rana temporaria chensinensis 中国林蛙蛙卵营养成分分析
Studies on feminizing techniques of Rana temporaria chensinensis 中国林蛙雌化技术研究
Protocol layer. Observation on the choriocapillary casts of the Rana temporaria chensinensis under SEM 协议分层。林蛙脉络膜毛细血管铸型的扫描电镜观察
Diversity of active polypeptide gene expression for Rana temporaria chensinensis is substantially demonstrated from this viewpoint. 这点充分说明中国林蛙个体中活性多肽基因表达具有多样性的特点。
The postganglionic neuron perikaryon of the stomach of Rana temporaria chensinensis David is small-and-medium-sized with a multitude of protuberance. 中国林蛙胃交感神经节后神经元胞体多为中小型,多突起的。